Amazon workspaces down
Amazon workspaces down

amazon workspaces down

This wait time increases with each successive failure. After a connection failure, the client waits before attempting to connect again. Enabled With Retry On Error: The client will continuously attempt to contact the connection server.Disabled: The client does not automatically connect with the connection server.Enabled: The client automatically connects with the connection server after startup and a PCoIP session ends, bypassing the OSD Connect page.This field determines the client’s auto connect behavior after startup: When enabled, prevents users from changing the Certificate Check Mode settings from the OSD or AWI. Do not verify server identity certificates: Configure the client to enable all connections.Warn before connecting to untrusted servers: Configure the client to display a warning if an unsigned or expired certificate is encountered, or if the certificate is not self-signed and the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client trust store is empty.

amazon workspaces down

  • Never connect to untrusted servers: Configure the client to reject the connection if a trusted, valid certificate is not installed.
  • amazon workspaces down

    Select the level of verification performed on the certificate presented by the connection server:


    The following parameters can be found in the AWI Session tab when the Amazon WorkSpaces connection type is selected with the advanced tab showing.Įnter the registration code from the invitation email sent after creating your Amazon WorkSpace.Įnter a name for this registered Amazon WorkSpace instance.Įnter the desktop name used by the client when starting a session. Amazon WorkSpaces session type uses an Amazon connection manager which requires multi-factor authentication when connecting to Amazon WorkSpaces.ĪWI Session Connection type – Amazon WorkSpaces The connection manager determines the security requirements.

    Amazon workspaces down