Commander waterford
Commander waterford

She suggests to Fred that further imprisonment might cause her to give up just like her predecessor, and coyly threatens him with the possibility of taking her own life. The first Offred’s suicide has just given June a key. I suppose she found her life… unbearable.” “And you want my life to be bearable?” June asked, to which Fred answered “I would prefer it.”Īt this point in the story, June has has been locked in her bedroom for two weeks as a punishment from Serena for failing to get pregnant. “Hung herself from the ceiling, I don’t know. “What happened to her?” June asked the Commander. Fred then asked if June knew “her”, meaning the first Offred, to whom he’d presumably taught the words from his Latin schoolbook during a clandestine meeting just like this one. He explained that it’s a schoolboy joke meaning something like “Don’t let the bastards grind you down” and asked where she’d heard it. During one such game in Season 1, June asked Fred to translate the Latin phrase she’d read. Privately, Fred Waterford was partial to illicit games of Scrabble with the women he and his wife held hostage and raped. Even without understanding its meaning, she recognised the phrase as a message of support and thanked its anonymous writer for her bravery, as the written word is one of many things forbidden to women in Gilead.įorbidden in public, that should say. In Season 1, Episode 4 ‘ Nolite te bastardes carborundorum’, June discovered that Latin phrase scratched into the wood panelling of her bedroom closet at the Waterford house. Before June, the Waterfords had another Handmaid, the first “Offred”, a character who proves much more important to this story than her screentime suggests. How do you keep those fights worthy? So I think that for June, it's the integration of June the warrior and Offred the warrior, into June the mother and Offred the mother.Serena made her choice, and it’s testament to the supremacy of Elisabeth Moss in this show’s titular role that for a second, it was easy to mistake that choice for June Osborne. The story moving forward is about the long fight, and how do you keep up energy, enthusiasm, sanity, all of those things, while you're trying to fight for something that you may never see the end of, or you may never see the good from it? It may all be just for your children or your children's children. Can she snap back? Or does she have to decide that sometimes you not only have to sacrifice part of your life, but you have to sacrifice your whole life to making the world better for the next generation? And I think it isn't just changing presidents, it isn't just passing one law, like what we're realizing now, but some fights are just a fight you continue to have, a struggle you'll continue to make.

commander waterford

She's done this terrible thing, or what she feels like is irredeemable. It's the American story - can we snap back to normal, or do we have to move on into something new? And that's where June is right now. I think moving forward, there's really a couple of things.

Commander waterford movie#

And unlike a movie version, we know what her choices were we're in her pain and her trauma. Well, it's definitely Sophie's Choice: The Series, in that you're moving on with someone who's made these terrible choices. That's an open line of communication that they can have. If Lawrence gained a little goodwill with the Americans by doing it, awesome. So I think if they find out, they'll be like, "Awesome, saved us a little money and time." I mean, it seems like they wanted him gone, and he's gone.

commander waterford

And how they got rid of him is also what happens in Gilead it's exactly what they probably would have done to him anyway. That's the whole idea behind Nick taking him into the woods and him not coming back - that's what happens in Gilead. So I think that before he went and met with June, Lawrence got this approved, that they'd be able to trade this for Fred, and there's a little bit of manipulation on his part that he has to kind of get some official reason why the Eyes took Fred at the border, but the Eyes could make anyone disappear.

commander waterford

I don't think Lawrence or Nick are ever working completely against Gilead they're working within the area they can work in Gilead. So as long as Fred is not talking and that he's been excised from the timeline, they're happy with that. They don't care if Fred's back they want him to stop talking.

Commander waterford