Outward trainers
Outward trainers

outward trainers

One minor issue I forgot to mention before was that it would probably be more fun if there was another active ability in the tree, as its very passive heavy. After playing with it some more I also definitely think it's a strong tree, it just has a steep power curve. The crit stuff is just personal preference from my part and the dodge animation isn't a problem at all. Oh, ive been using combathud for so long that I forgot that a lot of its features weren't vanilla lmao

outward trainers


I will make it revert back to normal dodge if out of mana in the next update tho. Also yeah the dodge costs mana, but is stupidly fast, can be used to play extremely ofensive and kill enemies super fast. The dodge janky animation sadly is something I couldnt fix easy, as removing the dodge animation entirely makes it so you can only teleport forward, instead of changing the direction. then I dont see a reason why you would take the tree at all. Nobody is forcing you to buy the skill, so if you dont want it thats fine. Quickdraw being a separate button, would basically break the entire tree and loose its purpose. They are extremely easy to craft tho, and it fits outwards gameplay of using items like potions of discipline for chakrams and stuff like that.

outward trainers

Tho I understand the concern about the bullet.


You can do the maths and they work as intended.Ībout the spellslinger: I understand why you feels its weaker, as 2 shots need to be done to do a normal shot, but also realize they do full magical damage, have bigger scaling and dont need to reload.


CombatHUD does not display the correct dmg numbers for my mods because I modify the damage values after the texts are created but before they are applied. About the criticals, they are absolutely working.


I'd rather the dodge be optional though, considering how it's a permanent change that you might not want to be stuck with.Īll that said though the mod is nice and I definitely think its one of the best mods for outward overall. The teleport dodge is cool and works well even though it looks pretty jank, though i'd be more surprised if it didn't look kind of weird. Also I just really hate having to rely on random chance to do damage, the disparity between a normal pistol shot and a crit pistol shot is way too much. Crits are a cool feature as well but I don't personally like being forced to specifically play around them, plus the fact enemies can crit you as well just feels like an unnecessary downside and is annoying to deal with. Im guessing that there are some issues that would make it difficult to do that though.

outward trainers

I'm not a fan of how you're permanently forced into using Quickdraw, i'd rather Quickdraw be a separate Fire and Reload skill instead of a passive so you can still switch between them if you want to. Though i'd still probably only use them for alpha strikes anyway because I hate having to rely on random crits. It just seems kind of counterintuitive to the idea of the class, though if Quickdraw got rid of the need for bullets or did more damage I dont think it would be as bad. To me, this just means that the only reliable and efficient way to use the pistols is to max out the tree while only taking the pistol skills, then only using them for the first hit against an enemy for a guaranteed crit. You'll have to shoot more often to make up for the 60% loss of damage but you still have to worry about bullets on top of the mana cost, then you have to add in the new mana tax from dodging as well. They're way too resource intensive for how little damage they do. I do like the ideas behind it but I dont enjoy a lot of the execution, here are some bullet points.


I can still get criticals but they aren't doing any extra damage, still just the base damage of the weapon.Īlso while im at it, here are some of my thoughts on the mod. I've only tried Spellslinger so far and im not sure how to feel about it. Crits from Spellslinger don't seem to be working for me.

Outward trainers