I'd like to think we're old enough to be a bit wiser about things but I know we still get caught up in the excitement of it all. We enjoyed what we did in those bands and they all ran their course in different ways. Ian) I'm not sure that we think of it like that. What are you hoping that SECTION 13 will achieve that those previous bands didnt? Most of you have been in previous bands of note, be it GASH or, for yourself Ian, THE DEPRAVED and VISIONS OF CHANGE.
#Tony blair sham 69 crack
We thought we'd do a few gigs for the crack but we pretty quickly got beyond that and wanted to do something more. As for long-term plans, there weren't any. I wanted to capture what I'd felt when listening to / watching the original HC bands.
They asked my while I was flat on my face in Dave's tattoo studio getting my back tattooed talk about being vulnerable! I jumped at it! To be honest, I'd been thinking about doing something myself. Si and Jay had been planning to get something together doing old school US Hardcore sort of stuff and they'd asked Dave to play bass, but they were looking for a singer. Usual opening question: tell us when the band formed, how you all met, what inspired the formation of SECTION 13 and what your long term plans are for the band.
Former DEPRAVED and VISIONS OF CHANGE frontman, Ian Murphy, fronts the band and this is what he had to say. The band's debut release, 'A Demonstration', has been released on Boss Tuneage Records and features eight blasts of excellent HC.
SECTION 13 is a relatively new band, taking inspiration from the original wave of US Hardcore.